Latrobe's GOAL Magazine Features Our Farm
Latrobe’s GOAL Magazine
featured a photo of our farm in its Spring 2018 issue as part of an article
about a donor’s legacy gift of gas and mineral rights to Salem Lutheran Church
in Delmont.
Just beyond the pond you see at center, over the rise and down to the
left, is the site of Delmont Borough’s illegal discharges of untreated human waste into
Beaver Run.
OUR legacy - the duty and responsibility we feel in response to our thankfulness and appreciation for what has been entrusted to us - is to protect the natural habitats that serve countless varieties of birds, fish and wildlife and to preserve the beauty of the wonders that surround us.
photo source: GOAL Magazine’s Facebook page
Note that this "neighborhood road" is actually located in Salem Township
just beyond the Delmont Borough border.
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