A View Worth Protecting

It was a beautiful Easter weekend here in southwestern Pennsylvania. Saturday was crisp but sunny. Early on Easter Sunday we woke up to blustery winds and rain, but all of that cleared out in time for our family dinner in the afternoon. We gathered together to give thanks for Easter blessings, to catch up on kids and grandkids and jobs and home renovations and upcoming travel plans, and to light the "grandma candle" in honor of the much-beloved woman who entrusted this property to her four children and their families.

And I kid you not: as we all sat together in the living room, one of the blue herons I referred to in my Welcome! post of March 26 coasted across the lower field beyond our back windows to land, tall and dignified, near our pond.


This morning, following an overnight snow that created a (very) late winter wonderland, we were blessed with these views from those same back windows:
All of this had melted away by mid afternoon, but what a gift!

We are, all of us, just passing through as they say. This family, entrusted with the stewardship of this property, is committed to preserving its untouched, unspoiled beauty for generations to come. It is our mother's legacy, and our children's heritage.

This. THIS is a view worth protecting.


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