Insurance Shenanigans Confirmed

“Please be advised that there is no coverage available to our insured in this matter.” [ Note: A quick re-read of our post of April 24 ⎼ titled “Is Delmont Borough Insured?” — will be helpful to your understanding here .] Here is an approximate timeline with regard to the insurance claim submitted by Delmont Borough solicitor Daniel J. Hewitt (McDonald Snyder, P.C, Latrobe, PA ) relevant to damages perpetrated by the Borough to our properties in Salem Township through excessive storm water runoff and discharges of untreated sewage on a nearly unabated basis the week of February 16 ⎼ 25, 2018: Tuesday, March 13 - We made a presentation to Borough council of photos of sewage discharges onto our property and into Beaver Run as specifically documented on February 16, February 19, February 22, and February 25, and of photos taken on March 4 documenting the "aftermath" of those discharges. The white debris documented in that set of photos is pulv...